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Seeking the Greatest Possible Satisfaction of Our Customers

The times have changed since our founding in 1992. Values have changed, lifestyles have changed, technology has evolved, societal needs have diversified, and customer concerns have become widespread. We deal in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and health foods that are essential in our customers’ diversified lifestyles.

We run a skin care brand called Perfect One that pursues “simpleness” and “the power of collagen”. With daily care we keep the youthfulness of one’s skin that changes with age, and support “future beauty”.
Health Foods
People in modern society tend to lack the nutrition they need for their lifestyles. With carefully selected ingredients and our techniques, every day we offer products for which the utmost care and attention has been given to the ease of consumption and quality.
We develop products that lead to improvements in various diseases and symptoms with the aim of being the closest to the health of our customers. Feel free to consult us about any health concerns or changes in your physical condition.

Three Areas Where Shinnihonseiyaku Has Unrivaled Attention to Detail

Product Planning

We undertake product planning that values the opinions and requests we receive from customers such as suggestions for future products. After carrying out various market surveys and working together with our call center that talk directly with customers, we collect the latest technical information and ingredient information so that we can get a solid sense of the reality, and work hard to develop products that are highly effective and functional in order to be able to offer products that suit your lifestyle. We are also aiming to develop products that are more unique and specialized in new categories and new service areas so that we can develop products that become classics 10 years from now and propose a new lifestyle for our customers.

One to One

Our role is to capture the potential needs of customers from about 200,000 conversations per month at our call center in order to provide products when they are needed. We also analyze data to be able to make proposals tailored to each individual from information gathered in our customer database of about 6 million cases. At the same time, we take improvement measures to be able to make proposals that better meet our customers. Regardless of the department, we pursue the greatest possible satisfaction by providing “‘hospitality’ that touches the heart” of each and every customer.

Quality Control

We conduct thorough quality control by demanding even higher levels of safety. Most of the products that we deal in are those that are consumed orally or those that are applied to the skin. For this reason, having established a GQP & GVP system based on the idea that there is no such thing as doing “too much” for safety and security, we thoroughly implement product quality assurance and safety management. 

Aiming for Products that You’ll Love Even More

Collagen Research

We are working on product development that focuses on “an original blended balance” that fully considers skin aging*1 and “techniques that can deliver” to the right spot*2. Collagen, which we consider particularly important in aging care*3, is said to make up about 70% of the skin. It is said that the characteristics of collagen are that its amount decreases and the quality also changes with age. In response to such changes, we developed “Compounding Collagen EX *4 ”, which is a unique combination of seven types of collagen that have unique characteristics and different functions. In order to solve our customers’ problems through the various functions of collagen, we have been driving joint research with Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology since our 30th term to develop original raw materials and verify the further effectiveness of collagen.

*1 Mature skin
*2 To the cornified layer cuticle
*3 Skin care according to one’s age
*4 As a moisturizing ingredient

Delivering a Pleasant Shopping Experience

Perfect One can be purchased by mail order via our online shop, and retailers. The online shop  allows customers to easily search for products that match their skin concerns and points of care so that more customers can enjoy a comfortable online shopping experience. We will continue to expand our channels to meet the needs of our customers so that we can provide an even more comfortable shopping experience.

Becoming a Global Brand that Is Loved in Multiple Countries

In response to the needs of our overseas customers, we are also focusing on overseas business. We continue to take on the challenge of expanding our business from Japan to the rest of the world by selling our products at stores in China, Taiwan, and other Asian countries, as well as through our online store.

(At Japan Inbound Festival)